UV & Mould Resistant
UV Treated to ensure longer resistance to the harsh Australian conditions and mould treated to reduce the occurrence of mould under mats left standing for months on end

100% Recycled Process
We have solid oversight of the recycling processes, the working conditions and health/safety of the workers in our supply chain both in India and in AUSTRALIA.

Locally Sourced Textiles
We collected and recycled over 1,000,000kg of textiles from the NSW South Coast in 2019/20 as part of our FULL CIRCLE RECYCLING GOALS.
Frequently Asked Questions
Available Colours/Styles will all be listed on the webpage in most cases, however please contact us as we often have smaller quantities of different styles available that are not listed online.
The mats are made purposefully to ensure easy care. In most cases, simply pickup and shake off any sand/leaf remnants and you are good to go. Even just a quick hose down is enough.
In cases where a more rigorous clean is needed (dried tomato sauce, ice cream etc) just a quick soapy water rub down and hose off.
Are they mould resistant?
Yes, all out Mats UV Treated to ensure longer resistance to the harsh Australian conditions and mould treated to reduce the occurrence of mould under mats left standing for months on end
Where are your mats manufactured?
100% of ALL Collection, recycling and Manufacuring is conducted in AUSTRALIA or COMMONWEALTH Nations Only. The majority of mats online and at caravan shows in Australia have been made in CHINA where there is no transparency or truthfulness in business activity that can be trusted to meet our high expectations. CHINA also has high levels of proven slave labour in the supply chain of many products. We are focussed on only working with Countries that can ensure Modern Slavery Compliance and high levels of employees support/pay/healthcare etc. That is why we work exclusively with Australia’s strong defence and Business partner, India. We are the ONLY supplier that is involved in the full recycling process for the majority of our products. We have significant oversight on the process and working conditions of our supply chain, supported by Government mandated procedures and visit our manufacturers 2-3 times/year to personally ensure working conditions, standard of manufacture and to maintain strong relationships. This is something our competitors cannot match