We have created the Triple R process, which means Reuse, Repurpose or Recycle, and are the only recycler in the Region that can guarantee Landfill free processing of your excess textiles.
With a combined 50 years in Recycling, Retail and/or Management, our Partnership has the strongest knowledge and experience of any other Textile Recycler in the Region.
With local residents and charities regularly dumping excess textiles into landfill, we saw the opportunity to step up and be leaders in the reuse/repurpose and recycling of these end of life items.

We Collect
We collect excess textile from local Residents and put them through our Triple R Process.

We Purchase
We PURCHASE (via our partner providers) Excess clothing from Charities in the area (and beyond). In 2019/20 this equated to more than 1,000,000kg of textiles and provided over $400,000 to South Coast Charities in direct sales of clothing with over 50% that would have previously made its way to landfill in Australia or Overseas.

We Repurpose
Excess Textile items unable to be Reused/Repurposed in Australia are sent to our partner recycler in India for a repeat of the Triple R process.
Reusable Textile Items are redirected to communities in need around the world, and all other textiles are then put through a recycling process.